
Please note that this feature is currently in development and going through a user trial. For information on how to join the trial as a seller, please send me a message.

Products and services for emergency preparedness in the Philippines

The Prepare Manila Marketplace is an area where we can easily find products and services for our prepping needs. A strong community is key to resilience and supporting our members’ businesses is also a great way to prepare for emergencies: we can keep each other economically sustainable even during hard times.

Before posting or setting up a transaction, please read our Marketplace Rules.

get_total_rows = true;

// execute view

$total_rows = $view->total_rows;
if ($total_rows)
print “


print views_embed_view($viewName, $displayId);
drupal_set_message(‘Ooops! something went wrong trying to display offered postings’, ‘error’);


We accept bitcoin

get_total_rows = true;

// execute view

$total_rows = $view->total_rows;
if ($total_rows)
print “


print views_embed_view($viewName, $displayId);
drupal_set_message(‘Ooops! something went wrong trying to display wanted postings’, ‘error’);

* Notices
// load viewobject
$viewName = ‘marketplace_listings_notices’;
$displayId = ‘block_1’;
$view = views_get_view($viewName);

// ensure view exists
if ($view)
$view->get_total_rows = true;

// execute view

$total_rows = $view->total_rows;
if ($total_rows)
print “


print views_embed_view($viewName, $displayId);
drupal_set_message(‘Ooops! something went wrong trying to display notices’, ‘error’);


Note: Transactions made on the Marketplace are between the advertiser and interested party. We’re not involved in any way so use your common sense before setting up any arrangements.

Before posting or setting up a transaction, please read our Marketplace Rules.